Thursday, January 19, 2006

Outside these walls

The walls melt away from me as if I am receding from somewhere else. And then I am me again. I haven’t been me for a long time. And I’ve learned a lot from that other one; an almost virulent individual. But now reality embraces me with its own cold arms, and I know that this will be a difficult ride. And it begins as the come towards me with yet another dose. Yet they really don’t know me, or the power that I hold. I begin my show by slipping the fossilized leather straps that hold my arms and legs. I fall to the floor… So hard to stand… How long has it been… their actions slow, Almost as if they’re puzzled and waiting for me? It would seem natural if you didn’t see how slow the straps are as they float down to the ground. I get up and hobble out… My time has begun, and it’s absolutely glorious to have my power now with an un-entrapped mind.

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